The wide spread of the brands.

We meet each day more than 3000 brands. Solicited from all sides, but with a storage capacity limited to four per sector, our western brain is less and less available. Moreover, just as if we reject the father’s authority, we kill brands in order to emancipate ourselves from their grasp. The property is out. Why storing, maintain, protect goods while we can have them when we want by renting them ? On the Internet, downloaded audiovisual content gradually lets room to

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the streaming. Sharing books on parks benches or in random shacks books (The Little Free Library), recycling, customization and borrowed clothes in vêtithèques in Suede, the fairs where everyone exchange stuff for free in Argentina (Argentine), the come back to simplicity in architecture and design are all signs of the deconsumption’s trend.

In this context, to survive for brands « is to create the conditions for relationship with new values for their consumers. This is what is built through social networks. (…) Loved and shared: this new face of the brands should show truth and transparency. »(Ecce Logo.) But while we’re trying to empty our wardrobes and to lighten our lives, the middle classes of the emerging countries, in dramatic growth, prove an insatiable hungry, after 50 years of consumerist abstinence. An unusual situation for brands: How can they satisfy those who demand utility and virtue and, at the same time, those who are waiting for banquet and bying rapture ?





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