In holiday mode.

1kilo3 is not only on summer holidays but also in the re-thinking of its objectives, envies and evolution. Lots of reading, lots of talking, lots of inspiration stuff. During this period, we’ll share here not anymore our work but interesting posts or newspapers’ articles, optimistic thoughts as well as doubts about communication & about the future. 

We begin with this short Vitra exhibition (in Germany, on the road to Italy’s mountains and beautiful lakes), about the future of living in cities and cohabitation. 

Capture d’écran 2017-08-18 à 15.00.23                 « Housing is scarce – that much has become evident in the last few years. As real estate prices in big cities continue to skyrocket, conventional ideas of housing development prove unable to meet demands. The reaction to these challenges has been a silent revolution in contemporary architecture – towards collective building and living. Using models, films, and walk-in displays, the exhibition »Together! The New Architecture of the Collective« addresses this global phenomenon by presenting a broad array of collective building and living projects from Europe, Asia, USA. An overview of historical precedents for the current wave of collectives demonstrates that the idea of collectivity has been a recurring theme in the history of architecture, from the reformist ideas of the nineteenth century to the hippies and squatters of the twentieth who touted the slogan »Make love, not lofts«. » Vitra Museum.

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