Data & creativity.

In these crisis times, many advertisers feel that their growth objectives will come from THE DATA. The risks are under control, it becomes difficult for ad agencies and artists to dare. Creativity is almost an act of rebellion … « We are facing a huge obstacle that annihilates creativity… We prefer devices rather than ideas. The data reassures but create also flat, tasteless operations…  » says Matthew Lesseux, DDB Paris’ CEO. « Beyond the buzzword, the data is a drug to use sparingly. Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs did not wait to dare and build empires… ». Finally, the data without men imagination is nothing. So we have to observe those who hold in their hands the encrypted individual lives. Although legislation strengthens the protection of data, there is a rewrite of the power whose outcome remains uncertain, due to non-defined rules of playing coupled with an obvious lack of education for citizens.

Article in digital magazine # 9: The Data, me and my feelings …? Photography Florian Beaudenon.

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