3 TV and online videos to launch the new 3Suisses : TIGHTS, WASHING MACHINE, EYES. 3Suisses and the women is a story that began in 1932 with the arrival in millions of mailboxes of the « big catalog ». 3Suisses has always been inspired by the creativity of women and their way of life, to bring them what they need and want. 3Suisses had to change because women have changed. 3suisses.fr is much more than the big catalog. On the website, the clothes selections are updated in real time to stick to the trends. The ideas for the dailylife follow one to another. 1kilo3 developped new brand positioning, communication strategy, all content and concepts, and followed-up the visual identity. TV Prod: Caviar.

virginie@1kilo3.com – fred@1kilo3.com